Membrane Computing - Xholon App
What is it
This is a model of a simple finite state machine (FSM) implemented as a P System.
How to use it
Run it:
- Run the Java application through the XhnMemComp GUI (, and select File --> Open --> memcomp --> Fsm06ex1 --> Fsm06ex1_xhn.
- Expand the Controller node in the tree.
- Press the Start node.
- You should see ...
version 1: Model is implemented as a P System. (Fsm06ex1) --------------------------------------------------------- Expected Results at each timeStep (for deterministic, or typical case) TIMESTEP: 0 R2r4 M2: (m, in) R2r7 M2: (q, out) TIMESTEP: 1 R2r1 M2: am -> bp R3r8 M3: (q, in) TIMESTEP: 2 R2r6 M2: (p, out) TIMESTEP: 3 R3r7 M3: (p, in) TIMESTEP: 4 R3r1 M3: ap -> bn TIMESTEP: 5 R3r2 M3: bq -> am R3r11 M3: (n, out) TIMESTEP: 6 R2r5 M2: (n, in) R3r10 M3: (m, out) TIMESTEP: 7 R2r4 M2: (m, in) R2r2 M2: bn -> aq TIMESTEP: 8 R2r9 M2: am -> c R2r7 M2: (q, out) TIMESTEP: 9 R3r8 M3: (q, in) TIMESTEP: 10 Computation was successful. version 2: Model is implemented as a state machine. (Fsm06ex1_Fsm) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Expected Results at each timeStep (for deterministic, or typical case) Opening model: C:\Eclipse31\eclipse\workspace\MembraneComputing\config\memcomp\Fsm06ex1\Fsm06ex1_Fsm_xhn.xml AppM : false InfoM : false ErrorM : true MaxXholons : 1000 MaxXholonClasses : 50 MaxStateMachineEntities : 100 MaxProcessLoops : 20 InheritanceHierarchyFile : ./config/memcomp/Fsm06ex1/InheritanceHierarchy_FsmMD.xml CompositeStructureHierarchyFile : ./config/memcomp/Fsm06ex1/CompositeStructureHierarchy_FsmMD.xml ClassDetailsFile : ./config/memcomp/Fsm06ex1/ClassDetails_FsmMD.txt JavaClassName : UseInteractions : false UseGraphicalTreeViewer : false UseGraphicalNetworkViewer : false Top:state_4 activeSubState is a:state_23 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 c:state_44 activeSubState is a:state_53 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 0 Starting ... TIMESTEP: 1 M2: (m, in) M2: am -> bp M2: (p, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is b:state_24 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 2 M3: (p, in) M3: ap -> bn M3: (n, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is b:state_54 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 3 M2: (n, in) M2: bn -> aq M2: (q, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is a:state_23 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 4 M3: (q, in) M3: bq -> am M3: (m, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is a:state_53 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 5 M2: (m, in) M2: am -> bp M2: (p, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is b:state_24 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 6 M3: (p, in) M3: ap -> bn M3: (n, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is b:state_54 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 7 M2: (n, in) M2: bn -> aq M2: (q, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is a:state_23 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 8 M3: (q, in) M3: bq -> am M3: (m, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is a:state_53 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 9 M2: (m, in) M2: am -> bp M2: (p, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is b:state_24 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 10 M3: (p, in) M3: ap -> bn M3: (n, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is b:state_54 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 11 M2: (n, in) M2: bn -> aq M2: (q, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is a:state_23 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 12 M3: (q, in) M3: bq -> am M3: (m, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is a:state_53 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 13 M2: (m, in) M2: am -> bp M2: (p, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is b:state_24 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 14 M3: (p, in) M3: ap -> bn M3: (n, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is b:state_54 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 15 M2: (n, in) M2: bn -> aq M2: (q, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is a:state_23 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 16 M3: (q, in) M3: bq -> am M3: (m, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is a:state_53 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 17 M2: (m, in) M2: am -> bp M2: (p, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is b:state_24 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4 TIMESTEP: 18 M3: (p, in) M3: ap -> bn M3: (n, out) c:state_44 activeSubState is b:state_54 Top:state_30 activeSubState is c:state_44 stateMachine_28 activeSubState is Top:state_30 TIMESTEP: 19 M2: (n, in) M2: bn -> aq M2: (q, out) Top:state_4 activeSubState is a:state_23 stateMachine_2 activeSubState is Top:state_4