
Interface Summary
IAbout Display brief information about Xholon and the current Xholon application.
ICellontro2Sbml Transforms a Cellontro model to SBML format.
IChartViewer This interface should be implemented by concrete classes that capture data and display the data in a chart.
IGraphicalNetworkViewer Interface for a graphical network viewer, for example AbstractNetworkViewerJung.
IGraphicalTreeViewer Interface for a graphical tree viewer, for example TreeViewerJung.
IGridPanel A graphic panel in which to display 2D grids.
IHistogramViewer This interface should be implemented by concrete classes that capture data, and display the data in a histogram.
ISbml2Cellontro ISbml2Cellontro transforms SBML files into Xholon/Cellontro model files.
ISnapshot Take a shapshot of an entire Xholon tree.
IViewer All Xholon viewer interfaces should extend this interface.
IXholon2Qep Output Java file(s) in Quantum Event Processor (QEP) format.
IXholon2Scxml Output an XML file in SCXML format.
IXholon2Smc Output an XML file in SMC format.
IXmi2Xholon Transform XMI-formatted files into Xholon format.

Class Summary
About Display brief information about Xholon and the current Xholon application.
AbstractChartViewer This is the abstract superclass for concrete classes that capture data and display the data in a chart.
AbstractHistogramViewer This is the abstract superclass for concrete classes that capture data and display the data in a histogram.
AbstractNetworkViewerJung Graphical network viewer constructed using the JUNG software.
ChartViewerGnuplot Captures data, and creates a script to display the data in a gnuplot chart.
ChartViewerJFreeChart Captures data, and creates a chart using JFreeChart.
GridFrame A frame in which to display 2D grids.
GridPanel A graphic panel in which to display 2D grids.
HistogramViewerGnuplot Captures data, and creates a histogram using gnuplot.
HistogramViewerJFreeChart Captures data, and creates a histogram using JFreeChart.
NetworkViewerJung Graphical network viewer constructed using the JUNG software.
Snapshot Take a shapshot of an entire Xholon tree.
SnapshotXML Take a shapshot of an entire Xholon tree.
SnapshotYAML Take a shapshot of an entire Xholon tree.
TreeViewerJung Graphical tree viewer constructed using the JUNG software.
Xholon2Qep Export an executing Xholon application as an Java file in Quantum Event Processor (QEP) format.
Xholon2Scxml Export an executing Xholon application as an XML file in SCXML format.
Xholon2Smc Export an executing Xholon application as an XML file in SMC format.
XholonAppWizardGui Execute the Xholon application wizard in a graphical window.
XholonGui Optional GUI for a Xholon application.
Xmi2Xholon Transform XMI-formatted files into Xholon format.